
A unified IAM experience,
that is modular in its approach

Katanemo offers a fully-hosted administrative experience, React components and an API-first approach with which developers can construct their own workflows in minutes.

Effortlessly empower your customers with a powerful identity and access management experience


UI Experience, delightful Workflows

Today, every modern software company must pay the tax of managing subscriber accounts, designing and developing their own multi-modal (user, SSO and machine keys) login and administrative UI experience and workflows. With Katanemo you get a unfied IAM experience built for you.

Composablity and flexibility when you need it

Use Katanemo’s UI React components to embed the identity and fine-grained permissions experience for your customers in your console. Style and customize the components to fit and match any existing administrative SaaS experience in days, not months.

Full customization, full control via APIs

Use Katanemo’s APIs to build and construct the identity and fine-grained permissions experience as you see fit. With an API-first approach, Katanemo enables you to delight your customers with workflows that fit your nuanced use cases.

Katanemo’s as a an empowerment tool

Katanemo’s slick workflows and APIs that empower your customers to achieve the highest levels of trust, safety and privacy - in a self-service manner.

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Build modern software companies without the infrastructure tax

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@katanemo 2023