
Smart on FHIR,
Made Easy.

Building the next great healthcare start-up is hard enough, so leave the complicated SMART on FHIR authentication, authorization and attestation to us.

Effortlessly protect customer data and enable safe collaboration


Grow your healthcare

Katanemo enables you to focus on creating value for providers, patients and payers and leave the identity and access management muck to us. With an AWS-grade approach to safety and governance, you can confidently grow your healthcare startup.

Be FHIR compliant in minutes

Katanemo's fine-grained permissions model and least-privileged access approach ensures that you can adhere to FHIR standards regardless of the type of EHR app you're building. Using OpenAPI semantics, you can easily build rich search, chained resources, and cross-organization collaboration features.

Internet-scale performance without compromising security via ARC

Today, developers are forced to make the unacceptable trade-off between a coarse-grained authorization and a strict latency budget. Katanemo offers ARC, a blazing fast lightweight utility that intelligently caches permissions data, allowing developers to achieve least-privilege without compromising latency.

Katanemo as your healthcare simplifier

Katanemo makes the complex simple. It enables you to meet modern regulations and offload the complex authorization of FHIR resources to an internet-scale system design for modern healthcare companies and start-ups

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